How can I register Exchanges Due/Exchanges Owed in Smart145?

In the system, exchange processes can be registered at two ends depending on the role of the company in the exchange agreement.

When your company sells an item expecting to receive another in exchange, a Sales Order needs to be created with the PN(s) that will be sold by the company with the "EX" type of sale assigned. Note that once the "EX" type of sale is selected, you'll be able to input extra information related to the exchange, such as the Core Charges, the Outright Price and the Exchange Time.

After the SO is Entered, an Exchange Due will be generated in the Exchanges Due sub-module for receiving the expected item (s) from the buyer. 

On the other hand, when your company wants to buy an item giving another in return, a Purchase Order must be created with the PN(s) that will be bought with the "EX" type of sale assigned. Note that once the "EX" type of sale is selected, you'll be able to input extra information related to the exchange, such as the Outright Price and the Exchange Time.

Once the PO is Entered, an Exchange Owed will be generated in the sub-module of the same name for returning the PN(s) that the other company expects to receive in exchange.