When you sell stock items you need to be careful. You might have more than one item saved under the same Part Number (PN) but with different pricing, conditions, or traceability details. Therefore, selecting the correct item to sell is essential. Our new "Sales Orders Item Checkmarks" feature will provide you with an excellent way to keep track of this process.
Sales Orders now include an info box represented by an (i) next to each PN. Clicking this box will show you the stock information for the PN. Additionally, there is a Checkmark box next to the PNs, indicating whether it is linked to a stock line.
If you add a PN to a Sales Order and the info box is grayed out, this means you don't have stock information for that part. Additionally, the Checkmark circle will be empty, showing that the Part is not linked to any stock entry.
On the contrary, if the part is in Stock, the info box will highlighted in blue. Click the box to browse through your available stock entries. Then, just select the item you want to sell.
Finally, once the part is successfully linked, the Checkmark box will show a check mark.