Sales Order Overview- Part I

This article aims to walk beginners through the basic steps to creating a Sales Order (SO).
Read on to find the answers to the following questions: 

 1- What are the requirements and steps to convert a Customer's Quotation into a SO?

 2- How can I invoice a SO? How do I sell a non- Inventory item? 

3- How can I create an exchange?

1. As part of the Quote to Cash process, a customer's quote can become a SO if approved. With Smart 145, having a SO created from a Quotation will only take a few clicks, avoiding putting in the data again as it gets pulled from the Quotation itself.
Notice that only sales-type quotations have the "convert to sales order" option enabled.
2. Invoicing (non-) inventory items.
First, make sure all the mandatory fields (marked with a red asterisk) are filled out. 

The set of steps to open up and invoice a Sales Order will change depending on whether the item being sold is pulled from Inventory. If it is an inventory item, make sure that the part is assigned an Inventory General Ledger code. Click here to learn how to manage your GL code list.

2.1 If the part number is entering the System's Inventory Master through this SO, then you can have it assigned a GL code right from the SO.

2.2 If there is already a record of it in the system, the only way to change the GL type is through Manage Inventory. 

Despite not having an entry into the Warehouse, the non-stock item can be tracked and traced under Manage Inventory. Thus the Manufacturer information can be inputted from the Main tab for reports. Check out the follow-up to this article for more about Sales Orders reports. 

As for the rest of the fields to fill out, notice that you can manage (create-edit-delete) custom lists on the Administration module- check the image below. Needless to say, to access this module, you'll have to be granted the relevant admin access:

In case you'd like to send the client a proforma invoice (refer to the image above), just tick the checkbox and, after sending it out, uncheck it, as the system will prevent you from actually invoicing the client for as long as the box is marked. 

If you're selling an inventory item, make sure that the system does not compute you're running low on the item. The P/N details (S/N and the entry to Warehouse) have to be referenced.

Finally, click enter update, and the invoice will be created. 

3- Creating an Exchange 

The same conditions to selling inventory items apply to exchange sales: 1. select an Inventory- type GL and make sure the quantity in the Warehouse covers the sales. The type of sale should be EX. 

Notice that an exchange due will be registered as soon as the SO is entered. 
The only pending task is to receive the item. To do so, go to the Exchanges Due browser and select "Receive" this can be checked on the fly right from the "Returned" column.