Return Merchandise Autorization (RMA)

If your customers need to return a previously purchased item, or if you need to send goods back to your vendors, you can do it through our Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) module. Below, we show you the steps to follow.

Creating a Return Merchandise Authorization

Navigate to the RMA section under the Inventory option in the left menu. Here, you'll find a browser displaying your current RMAs. From this page, you can create a New RMA by clicking on the green button located in the top right corner of the screen. If a customer wants to return items select the option: From Customer, and if you are the one sending items back to a vendor click on the option: To Vendor

How to receive an RMA from a Customer 

To receive items from your customers, you must first fill in the information related to the RMA. After you enter all the information, you can click Save and you will go back to the browser.
When you are ready to receive the parts, look for your RMA in the browser and click on the 3-dot menu next to it. Choose the option to Receive.
Here, you can either receive all items at once by selecting 'Receive All', or receive them individually by clicking the arrow next to each item.

How to return items to a Vendor

If you're creating a Return Merchandise Authorization for a Vendor, the process differs slightly. During RMA creation, you must input all RMA-related information and include the items for return.
While entering the items for return a drop-down menu will display, showing the PNs that you have available in your stock. If you wish to return any of these PNs, you must select it from this drop-down menu. This connection between your inventory items and the items in your RMA can be established either during RMA creation or afterward.
To establish this link after creating the RMA go to the browser and select the option to Edit the RMA
In the RMA Parts section click on the blue (i) icon next to the item you intend to return. 
A list will appear, displaying the items available in your inventory. From there, you can select the item you wish to link to the RMA to later return. Save the changes and go back to the browser

From the browser, you will find the option to return this RMA to the Vendor.