How to build an Inventory Kit?

Inventory kits will help you predetermine the parts/components that need to be used when working on a unit. Kits are most often created as point-of-use storage (every part required to perform a job is stored in the area that uses it). 

At the same time, it will allow you to book the selected parts once they are issued to the Kits so that they don´t go to a new WO, RO, or SO. To build an INVENTORY KIT, you´ll be required to follow the steps below:

- First, you need to go to the Inventory module>Parts Templates. From there, you'll have to check the category and make sure that it reads "KIT." Only then will you be able to "build" the Kit.

- Click on BUILD on the three dots menu on your right. Add the required components or parts. 

- After you add the parts, click save, and the new Inventory Kit will appear under the Main part. The first one created will take S/N 1. You can create as many kit combinations as you require.

- Notice that the new Inventory Kit will not appear in Manage Inventory until you have issued all the parts within the Combo and the kit status is set to "completed."

 First, check that you have the selected components in stock, and then issue them to the Kit. The system will issue the quantity on each detail line to the Kit reducing on-hand balances by that quantity.

- Click save and confirm that your screen shows the components have been issued. Afterward, the Inventory Kit will appear in Manage Inventory Warehouse, and it will be available for future orders.