Work Orders
Work Orders
How do I issue a part to a Work Order?
Issuing an item to a WO refers to the idea of taking the unit out of the warehouse; ergo, a part unit must first enter Inventory, either through a PO or by manually signing in the part under Manage In...
How can I have a unit linked to its Component Maintenance Manual?
A key factor to take into account when creating a WO for a unit is updating the manual associated with the part number, as failing to ensure this will result in the system preventing you from opening...
How can I reopen an invoiced or a closed Work Order?
To open a previously invoiced or closed Work Order, you'll have to reverse either of these processes, depending on the case at hand.1. Go to Work Order.2. Click on the three-dot menu next to the i...
How is the Work Order Labor calculated?
It is always advisable to factor in the labor cost when considering the cost price- selling price relation.To start off, let's look at how an employee's labor cost is usually calculated:...
How to create a WIP section
Creating a WIP section can be fastly done. First, you need to make sure you have the required permissions. Then follow the following steps:1. Go to Administration (under your name at the top right sid...
How to create new Work Order Steps
To create a new Work order step, go to administration (on the top right corner under your name). A tab will open in your browser. Scroll down to Work Order Steps and create a new one.
How can I change a Work Order status from open to quoted?
You can change a Work Order status from Open to Quoted by going through the following steps: Go to an open Work Order and Edit it.Under the "Quotation" tab, select a &quo...
How can I link a Work Order to a Manual?
To change a manual number from within a Work Order, follow this set of steps:1. Go to the WO Module and search for the one you want to modify. Click "Edit" on the three-dot menu on the right...
How can your customers digitally approve and sign WO quotes?
Work order quotes can be digitally approved and signed by your customers. The digital sign is available upon receiving the email notification.To send a quote, you´ll be required first to edit th...
How to set up automatic WO notifications to your customers?
You can set up email notifications to be sent out to your customers on an automatic basis whenever a WO is created, invoiced or the unit is shipped out. To do so, click Administration under your...
How can I add jobs to WOs?
Creating jobs to populate the Work requested field when editing or creating Work Orders is possible. You need to follow the next steps: 1. Go to Administration under your name at the top right si...
How can I un-issue items in the system?
There are two ways to un-issue parts in the system. You can do it either from the Inventory Module or the WO Module itself. From Inventory:1. Go to inventory on the left side of your screen ...
How to get a report of closed WO on a mothly basis?
To export the Excel sheet report with the WOs that were closed in a specific month, you need to follow the next steps: a. Activate the filters in the WO browser and in the All status field, filte...
How can I have an employee training record and no labor record linked to a WO?
The hours worked in a WO will be computed after the technician clocks out of the WO. These hours will be viewable from the WO quotation tab.However, a training record will be created only after the WO...
How can I attach a manual to a WO?
Go to Capabilities/ Manuals and create or edit an existing one. The only requirements to meet are the following:1- Add the P/N to the manual. 2- Ensure the last revision check date hasn't ex...
How can I create a Work Order Sub-Step?
To create a Work Order Sub-Step you must go to the "Administration" dashboard by clicking on the user's name at the top right corner of the screen..Then, you have to scroll down and click on the "Work...
How Can I Get a Notification When Work Order Steps Change?
In order to get notifications when the Work Order Steps change, you must first get to the "Administration" dashboard:.Then, scroll down to the lower part of the page and click on "Work Order Steps"..A...
How Can I Add Component Parts to a Work Order?
In order to add parts to a Work Order, you must first edit the WO:.Afterwards, you must click on the "Quotation" tab and scroll down: .At the end of the page, you will be able to add parts by clicking...
How Can I Select Alternates for Work Order Component Parts?
In order to select an alternate for a WO component part, you must first edit the work order: .Within the WO, you must click on the "Quotation" tab and scroll down to the bottom of the page: .Then, you...
Work Order Prefixes
Work Order Prefixes are a great way to keep better track of your workflow as they allow you to classify WOs. The system allows you to create them to fit your needs.In order to add a WO Prefix, first c...
How can I send reminders to my Customers so they don't forget to sign their quotes online?
To ensure that customers don't forget to sign the online quotes that you send them, it's possible to set reminders for them in the system. Those reminders will be automatically sent if the quote has n...
System Tags
You can use system tags to classify and filter Work Orders, Purchase Orders, Customers, and Customer Quotes. They can be created by users with Administration access. .Once in the Administration p...
How can the Work Order Assignment sub-module help me in my daily work?
The Work Order Assignment sub-module is intended to provide an overview of the employee's current work. This sub-module also shows the Steps, Status, Estimated Delivery Date, and the amount of pending...
Can I delete Work Orders in Smart145?
Work orders are fundamental in ERP systems, serving as the blueprint for executing tasks related to manufacturing, maintenance, or service. However, there's a common misconception that work orders can...
How can I change the name and order of the Work Order Steps?
It may sometimes be necessary to change the position or organization of process steps in the system. Note that there are several features that can help you achieve this:.1- The order and name of the s...
How Can I Change the Step Name Visible to My Customers?
Sometimes you may not want your customers to see the step names used internally for managing their work orders. To address this issue, we offer a feature that will allow you to modify the step names y...
Adding Tools to a Work Order
To add tools to a Work Order, go to the Tools browser, select the tool you want to add, and edit its details..Then, in the Parts section, add the Main Unit of the Work Order as a PN..By doing this, th...
How can I link an Internal WO to its main part from inventory?
When creating an internal Work Order for one of your PNs in stock, it must be linked to the exact line of that part in inventory; otherwise, another line will be created and the general quantity in st...
How Can I Have High-Priority Work Orders Appear First in the Browser?
When viewing your work orders in the browser, it may be necessary for you to have the ones with the highest level of priority appear on top. The default criteria for ordering the items in the WO...
How Does the "TAT" and "Days in Shop" Columns Work in the Work Order Module?
The Work Order module comprises several Turnaround Time (TAT) fields to measure the time of several processes. These, along with the "Days in Shop" field, constitute very useful tools when measuring w...
How Can I Add Standard-Write Ups to a WO?
The Standard Write Ups option works like a repository in which texts can be saved, copied, and pasted into any field within the WO. In this article, you will see how to create Standard Write-Ups and h...
Getting started
Work Orders
Purchase Orders
Sales Orders
Repair Orders